Sense & Sensibility by Jeffrey Haddow and Neal Hampton

Here, above, are some photos from the dress rehearsal at the Minack theatre, taken by Alistair Lindsay.

Jane Austen’s delicately observed and sophisticated cautionary tale of the disadvantages of both emotional excess and emotional restraint finishes (of course) with the happiest of happy endings. This is the UK première of Jeffrey Haddow and Neal Hampton’s lively and colourful musical treatment of a year in the life of the Dashwood sisters as they negotiate the difficulties of a sudden reduction in their circumstances and in their prospects of a marriage approved of by ‘Society’.

Set in the elegant world of Regency London and Devonshire, Marianne’s romantic but ultimately unwise attachment to the rakish Willoughby and Elinor’s selflessly denied love for Edward Ferrars both fall foul of small-minded disapproval and financial obligation before a dénouement of unexpected revelations.

Here is a short video clip:

Conductor Jonathan Butcher
Director Christopher Cowell and Jonathan Butcher
Designer Jill Wilson
Lighting Designer Alistair Lindsay


Photographer: Holly Burraway

Elinor Dashwood Megan Bowen
Marianne Dashwood Eleanor Rosser-Smyth
Edward FerrarsSam Leggett
Dafydd Allen
Colonel BrandonJohn Faal
John WilloughbyDominic Binefa
Benoît Déchelotte
Lucy Steele Elora Rose Ledger
Mrs Jennings Alexandra Cowell
Sir John Middleton Giles Davies
Mrs Dashwood Deirdre Biasini
Fanny Dashwood Louisa Alice-Rose
John Dashwood Julius Wills